random thoughts to oil the mind

Author: Fips Page 13 of 67

The only current author of this personal blog.

Thermonuclear Art

Fascinating images from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Julio Geordio

Meet Roberto Scousia.


Photo by Pedro Gandra (https://unsplash.com/pedrogandra)

Daily Links

Das geteilte Land – Looking at Germany after 25 years of union. Statistics show how much remains of the former East.

Spearfishing Orang-utan – A beautiful image of an Orang-utan on Borneo using a stick to try to hunt passing fish, presumably learned from watching nearby villagers.

Linguistic Ignorantisms – Nice list of words grammar nazis would find difficult to use with a straight face.

Further and Farther: A Theory – Go far and wide, go farrer and wider! Go forth and multiply, go further and multiplier!

Alice in a World of Wonderlands – A look at one of the most widely translated (untranslatable) works of literature in the world.

Some Rules of Language are Wired in the Brain – A Scientific American article shows how looking at synaesthesia might give some clues into our understanding of words.

North America 4K

Gorgeous time-lapse movie from across North America.

Daily Links

20 Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think You Are – An asinine list, as described by one commenter, but a welcome reminder of how good most of us have it.

Translating Seinfeld – Or why Rowan Atkinson will always be Mr Bean rather than Mr Blackadder abroad.

The Internet in Real-Time – Watch the internet grow (and the giants skim off the cream).

Hemingway Editor – Write like Hemingway. Or gradually be nudged into being written like Hemingway?

The Colors We Eat – Tasting colours is for more than just synaesthetes.

The Mysterious Origins of Punctuation – An often overlooked side-effect of Gutenberg’s moveable type: stagnation in writing systems.

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